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                                                       GRETA, LA POMI 


 Pomeranian Origin

Pomeranians originated in the province of Pomerania, which is a region of Northern Europe on the coast of the Baltic Sea. They can trace their roots back to large sled dogs and are close relatives to breeds such as the American Eskimo Dog, Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Norwegian Elkhound, and Samoyed.


The first Pomeranians could weigh between 20 to 30 pounds.(10kg. 1pound=0,425kg)

Queen Victoria of England is responsible for the small size of these dogs today. She brought one home from a vacation in Florence, Italy, and went to work breeding them to become a little lapdog. 

Queen Victoria isn’t the only famous person to fall for this breed. Sir Isaac Newton, Martin Luther, Michelangelo, and Mozart all had Pom Poms.


Distinctive characteristic of the Pomeranian 

The luxurious fur around their chest and neck. They actually have a double coat of fur with a hard outercoat and a soft undercoat. They can shed the skin twice a year but their coat is relatively easy to maintain with regular brushing and an occasional bath.

Pomeranians are also known for their foxlike faces, triangle ears that point straight up, and feathered tails that arch over their backs. They have dark, almond-shaped eyes and coats that come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, white, blue, brown, and black.

The Black Pomeranian is a toy breed of dog. They are characterized as intelligent, alert, and anxious to please their owners. Black Pomeranians are not rare, but they can be hard to find.


Personality Traits

Pomeranians are known for being smart, curious, energetic, feisty, and bold. They are typically very playful and love to be the center of attention. They can make great pets for families but may not be the best choice for those who have small children. They might accidentally step on them.

These dogs are famous for their yappy bark, which can be excessive at times. If you get a Pomeranian, you will want to teach them the “Quiet” command early on. You will also need to socialize them early with plenty of supervised and pleasant experiences with other humans and dogs. This can help reduce their natural suspicion of strangers and prevent aggressive behavior toward other dogs.

Pomeranians can be very headstrong. You must use  the positive reinforcement to train your dog, can be helpful. 

Difference between my male and female

Curiosities about the Pomeranian

1 – In their origins, Pom were bigger they were crossed with smaller breeds.

2 – In Germany, the Pomeranian is known as German Dwarf Spitz or Toy It is considered one of the oldest native varieties in Europe.

3 – Pom females to the power females are usually more corpulent than the males to have a more resistant body to procreate with less risk.

4 – Pom tolerate low temperatures well.

5 – Pomeranians survivors of the Titanic: Two Pomeranians were among the few dogs that survived the sinking of the Titanic

Three small dogs, two Pomeranians and a Pekingese, survived the Titanic disaster cradled in their owners’ arms as they climbed into lifeboats.

Miss Margaret Hays, aged 24, boarded Titanic at Cherbourg and was travelling home with two friends to New York with her Pomeranian called Lady.

After the collision they put lifejackets on and waited to get into a lifeboat – Margaret had Lady wrapped in a blanket. Fellow American James Clinch Smith spotted the dog and joked: “Oh, I suppose we ought to put a life preserver on the little doggie too.”

When the rescue ship Carpathia drew alongside, the crew at first declined to take the Pom Pom on board.

Elizabeth retorted that she would stay put unless the dog came with her. She was hoisted aboard clutching her pet, which later died in a fight with another dog in New York. Elizabeth’s wealthy husband Martin was among those lost in the disaster.

6 – Pomeranians are like miniature engines. Poms have a very fast metabolism. They have a very small stomach, in contrast to the rest of their body, which means that they consume calories at a high rate.

7 – Do not forget their oral hygiene, They often have problems with their teeth.


Pet therapy has been shown to have multiple benefits for patients in healthcare settings. It can effectively help patients cope with an injury or illness. In some patients, pet therapy can decrease:

  • stress levels
  • BP
  • pain
  • fatigue
  • anxiety
  • fear
  • isolation
  • loneliness.

Pet therapy has also been shown to improve patient satisfaction, energy levels, self-esteem, and mood, as well as decrease depression. Additional benefits include increased motor skills and movement, improved social skills and verbal communication, decreased boredom, and a more positive outlook. Pet therapy can promote social interaction and encourage exercise and playfulness. It may also have a beneficial effect on physiologic processes, such as reducing cardiovascular disease and stroke risk. Research has shown that children who interacted with animals in the healthcare environment were able to participate in procedures such as an MRI without the need for anesthesia. The reduction of medications such as anesthesia can have a beneficial effect on patients.

Pet therapy can also be beneficial for family members and other visitors. Family members and visitors, like patients, are under a significant amount of stress. The implementation of pet therapy programs may help address their stress in addition to the patient's stress. Not only does pet therapy positively affect patients and their visitors, it's also been shown to decrease

GROOMING consiste en un baño con productos adecuados, secado, desanudado y cepillado, corte de uñas y de pelo, y limpieza de orejas y de glándulas anales


  1. Pues además de ver el bonito vídeo... nada más puedo comentar porque no alcanzo a traducirlo.

    1. Ja, jaaaa, hay un blog publicado el 19/3/20 en el lenguaje cervantino😉


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